About The Tech School Jawa

The Tech School Jawa is a subsidiary of COTTAGE Trust working to impart quality education to students. We believe that all individuals have the capacity to improve and learn. People develop at different rates and have expertise in a wide range of subject areas with unique learning styles. Providing suitable environment and assessment of this learning takes variety of forms. We trigger their curiosity and encourage them to step into unfamiliar grounds without fear. Indeed, we continue to inculcate an excellent mind set and strong ethics in our pupils through every phase of school life. The academic curriculum, school routine, rituals and traditions, discipline, co-curricular activities, service learning, and teachable moments all become opportunities to develop the full range of assets needed for an ethical, productive and fulfilling life ahead. Jawa old campus (in rented building) was established in Jan 2019

At present the school has classes from PG to Class 7th. New admissions in higher classes are discouraged in this session, but we are planning to start classes 9th and 1st year in our new session from March 2023, Insha’Allah.


Present Students


Faculty, Teachers


Admin Staff



About the Shool Building

Foundation Stone laying ceremony of the building was held on 16th October 2021. The building is designed to house Tech School Jawa and COTTAGE Institute of Technology (CIT). We have taken over the new building on 1st September 2022 and started our regular classes from 6th September 2022. Montessori, primary and middle section are located in the Basement. Science lab, Makerspace, IT lab, Prayer room, Control Room and library are located on the Ground floor. 


The school falls within the province of Punjab and accordingly is registered with the Rawalpindi Education Authority. Punjab Govt has introduced Single National Curriculum (SNC) from Classes 1 to 8. Books printed by the Punjab Curriculum & Textbook Board have been selected for The Tech School System. Medium of Instructions is a mixture of English and Urdu. From PG to Prep, AL GABA Readers and our own designed printed notebooks are being used. For classes 1 to 5, SNC books are being used. Since SNC does not include the subjects of Science and IT in the intial classes, books for these additional subjects have been selected from Al Gaba Publishers:

  • Science for classes 1 to 3.
  • Information Technology for classes 1 to 5.
  • PCTB books are being used for classes 6 and 7.
  • Quranic Teaching and Character-Building syllabus is in line with and ahead of Govt policy.
  • Nazra Quran: Prep & One
  • Quran with Translation: Class 2 to 7

Matric & Intermediate

Jawa Campus has introduced Matric & Intermediate classes from
Session 2023-24.

This Matric qualification is very unique. Our students will be able
to do Matric Tech & Matric Vocational from Punjab Board of

Technical Education:

In Intermediate, we are offering the following combinations,
which are all oriented towards better future prospects:

  • FSc Pre-Engineering
  • FSc Pre-Medical
  • ICS
  • I.COM
PBTE (Punjab Board of Technical Education) Rwp Board
Matric Tech (Pre-Engr) Matric Vocational (Arts) Matric Pre-Med
English, Urdu, Islamiat, Pakistan Studies

Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Technical Drawing

Technology Options

Computer Science, Electrical Appliances
Electronics, Tailoring
English, Urdu, Islamiat, Pakistan Studies

Mathematics, Computer Foundation

Elements & Principles of Drawing & Designing

Drafting & Sewing, Hand & Machine Embroidery

Englishm Urdu, Islamiat, Pakistan Studies

Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology


From March 2020 we faced a lot of hurdles to continue our work due to pandemic of COVID-19 and education suffered badly. After almost one and a half year, the schools finally opened in August 21. Meanwhile, we tried our level best to continue studies through door to door visits, dropping circulars at shops, announcements in mosques, most important, we started SMS and WhatsApp service for parents and students to get in touch with teachers, school and the system.


  • “Books are uniquely portable magic”
  • “I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book”
  • “I always imagine that paradise will be like a library”
  • The school offers a peaceful, well-arranged and updated central /community library for school students and surrounding community as well, where students can get knowledge with wisdom.

Co-Curricular & Extra Curricular Activities

  • Teaching of Life Skills
  • Students clean their class rooms
  • Fitness program, Sports
  • planning and activities are conducted
  • Emphasis on gardening
  • Promoting GO GREEN
  • Milad
  • Speech /declamation competition / cooking competition, visits

Prayer Area


  • A beautiful Prayer Room is available for students and staff to offer prayers. This also allows to teach
    congregational prayers to our students and practice them.
  • Students are also trained to recite proper Azaan.
  • Daily Zuhr payer will be offered in the School Prayer Room.

Teaching Staff at Jawa Campus

The Tech School Jawa campus boasts of having some of the most appropriately qualified members of the faculty. Their capabilities are further refined through regular teacher training sessions and workshops. The faculty is led by Ms. Warda Tehreem, who herself holds a Masters degree and has rich experience of 20 years of teaching in some of the best institutions around Pakistan. Rest of the sixteen faculty members include six teachers with Masters degrees in different subjects like Environmental Sciences, IT, Chemistry, Urdu, Commerce, etc. Rest of the teachers are BA / BSc qualified with only two holding intermediate qualification. Teachers employed for imparting skills hold appropriate degrees / diplomas.